Surveillance Technology Working Group

Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh signed the Surveillance Technology Executive Order ensuring residents have input on proposed uses of surveillance technologies by the City of Syracuse. The Surveillance Technology Executive Order puts in place policies and procedures for oversight on how the city pays for such technology and ensures that surveillance tools are used in a safe and well-governed way.

Technology, predictive models, and automated decision-making tools can create efficiencies in government and can enable more proactive work to happen. The models and tools are only as good as the data that feed them. While predictive models are based on historical data, if the data has been biased in the past, it will create a model that is biased for the future. The same occurs with the application of technology and automated decision making tools. 

Working toward Improvement

The working group consists of 12-15 individuals comprised of a mix of City of Syracuse Employees and external stakeholders from a variety of community groups in the City of Syracuse.  This group is responsible for maintenance of a surveillance technology inventory and the evaluation of technologies as they go through the surveillance technology process.

The goal of the group will be to ensure due diligence is done on all technologies fitting the surveillance characteristics so thorough and valid recommendations can be given to the Mayor. This working group informs city government of how any given technology may impact the City of Syracuse in a variety areas including equity or service, efficacy of collection techniques, financial capabilities of implementation, and benefit to the taxpayer. This working group is selected by the Mayor with recommendations from Senior Staff and the Office of Accountability Performance and Innovation (API). 

Technologies Reviewed

Meeting Minutes & Materials


City Department Technology Requests

If you are a City Department interested in putting a technology up for review, please follow the link below to complete our intake form.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please contact Nicolas Diaz, e:, or Jason Scharf, e:

New Technology Request Form