The Castle

  • Project typeHistoric Development
  • Project value+ $10 million
  • Project scheduleConstruction Planned for November 2024
  • Contractor nameBid Process | Architect: in-ARCHITECTS
The Castle Rendering.png
 Award Amount: $50,000
 Funding Source: American Rescue Plan Act Commercial Corridor Improvement Fund



The Castle is a former church located in the Sankofa District on the city’s Southside. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and features vaulted ceilings, solid oak woodwork, a pipe organ, and palladium windows. The project includes restoring the 30,000 square foot structure into a one-of-a-kind multi-use facility for community activities focused on professional development, awareness building (jobs, health, nutrition etc.) and social engagement. Planned uses of the space include a posh lounge, elegant event space, and a foundation focused on training.


2110 South Salina St.,  13205  View Map

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