Mayor Walsh Announces the Return of Veo Fleet

Published on March 07, 2025

Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh announced the annual return of the Veo micromobility program to the City of Syracuse. Following a planned fleet reduction during the winter months, Veo will return its fleet to full capacity on March 10, 2025, to provide residents with convenient, affordable, and sustainable transportation options for navigating the city.
The program experienced steady growth during the 2024 season, totaling 500,000 rides, which is equivalent to approximately 750,000 miles ridden. Rider survey data from nearly 800 local riders provided insight on how Veo is helping increase mobility and reducing car usage in the community. The survey showed that approximately 59% of riders do not own or have access to a car, and 65% of riders use Veo for commuting to work.
The 2025 updated operating agreement with Veo includes key improvements such as hiring additional staff for better operations and responsiveness, introducing technology to streamline parking, and new Veo financial contributions to the City of Syracuse to enhance bicycle and scooter infrastructure. Veo will also expand outreach and educational programs to engage the community and promote sustainable transportation.
“With the arrival of spring, our residents are eager to venture out,” said Mayor Walsh. “For many in Syracuse, particularly those without cars, Veo is a vital transportation option for work, shopping, and more. I want to thank Veo and the Common Council for their collaboration in improving this service for City residents and neighborhoods”.
“More people than ever are choosing Veo to get around Syracuse—ridership grew 21% last year as residents used Veo e-bikes and scooters to get to work, visit local businesses, and meet up with friends," said Jeff Hoover, Veo’s Director of Government Partnerships. "With most riders lacking access to a car and 71% driving less because of Veo, shared micromobility is making it easier to navigate the city without a car. We’re proud to partner with the City of Syracuse and look forward to building on this momentum to expand access to sustainable mobility." 
This year, Veo will also bring its Virtual Parking Coach Captur, an AI-powered parking assistant, to the Syracuse micromobility program. This will help riders park properly by instantly checking their end-of-ride photo for compliance with local regulations before allowing them to complete their trip. Veo's Virtual Parking Coach will support more organized and efficient micromobility parking throughout the community. 
To learn more about the Veo micromobility program, get familiar with the rules of the road, or find out if you’re eligible for discounted rates, visit Residents with questions should call the number on the bike or scooter (855-VEO-2256) or email Syracuse residents can also directly email with any questions or concerns.