SCSD Youth Advisory Council to Present Civic Solutions at Assembly

Published on May 18, 2023


Syracuse City School District students will present their solutions to some of Syracuse’s challenges in a special Civics Assembly – the conclusion to their participation in this year’s Syracuse Youth Advisory Council (SYAC).

A partnership between the SCSD and the Syracuse Common Council, the Syracuse Youth Advisory Council is comprised of students from all SCSD high schools. These civic-ready students have met throughout the school year to study local government and explore issues, with the goal of addressing current challenges within the City of Syracuse. Youth Advisory Council members will share their perspectives on issues they value, along with their research and proposed solutions, and Common Council members will vote on an issue to be further explored in the coming school year.

The Syracuse City School District is also pleased to have partnered with the Bill of Rights Institute, a nonprofit organization that teaches civics and history through market-leading curricula and educational programs for students and teachers. Their national civic engagement curriculum, MyImpact Challenge, has helped SYAC students develop a robust understanding of citizenship and develop constitutionally principled proposals to benefit their communities.

“Civic engagement can be a powerful tool for strengthening communities and helping young people learn to work together to solve problems,” Rachel Davison Humphries, Senior Director of Civic Learning Initiatives at the Bill of Rights Institute, said. “We are honored to bring MyImpact Challenge to the Syracuse City School District and are excited to see so many Syracuse students reflecting on civics, citizenship, and their roles in their communities.” 

Media are invited to attend the student presentations, which will take place on Tuesday, May 23rd from 10 am – 12 pm at the SCSD Professional Development Center (1005 W. Fayette Street). 

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