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Published on July 18, 2024
Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh announced the City of Syracuse will host five neighborhood open houses to collect input on the Community Grid Vision Plan, a multi-decade look ahead at how Syracuse can maximize the positive impact of the Interstate 81 Viaduct Project on neighborhoods and mobility. The sessions will be held in Downtown Syracuse and in all four quadrants of the city during the month of August. These five sessions are in addition to open houses held in February.
The sessions will be held at the following times and locations:
The City introduced the Community Grid Vision Plan last February. It outlines recommendations for enhancing the city's transportation network, land use, housing, economic development, public spaces, and accommodations for cyclists and pedestrians.
This comprehensive plan reflects extensive input from neighborhoods and stakeholders, including a weeklong design charette in August 2022 that engaged city residents in envisioning and designing the future. More information on the Community Grid Vision Plan can be found at
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