Water Department Public Meeting for Westminster Avenue Area Neighbors

Published on June 18, 2024

The City of Syracuse Department of Water will host a public information meeting about the Westminster Pump Station project, which includes the replacement of water mains and water services to some homes in the Westminster Avenue area.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 26 at Westcott Community Center (826 Euclid Ave, Syracuse, NY 13210) from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. The meeting will provide an opportunity for residents to learn about the project’s scope, timeline, and potential impacts on properties. 

The project area includes about 50 homes in the Westcott area. It is along Westminster Avenue, including small sections of Maryland Avenue and Kensington Road. Water service lines containing lead components will be replaced at no cost to the property owner.

This project is part of the Water Department’s long-term infrastructure plan which includes replacing pump stations and surrounding infrastructure, including water service lines containing lead, in neighborhoods around the City. The work protects water quality and maintains safe water pressure for customer use and fire protection.