City to Host Virtual Summit to Support Diverse Real Estate Development

Published on February 23, 2024

The City of Syracuse Department of Neighborhood and Business Development, in partnership with the Community Preservation Corporation and New York State Homes and Community Renewal, will host a Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Developers Virtual Summit on Wednesday, February 28 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

The summit will provide information on financial and technical resources for minority entrepreneurs and developers in the Syracuse area. The event, which aims to strengthen support for diverse real estate development in Syracuse, is a follow-up from the BIPOC Developers Summit hosted in Syracuse on November 1, 2023. It is being offered virtually in the evening for anyone who was unable to attend the previous summit.

“We are excited to provide another opportunity for minority entrepreneurs and developers to participate in this event,” said Brianca Hill, Director of Business Development with the City of Syracuse. “We received an overwhelming positive response from the community at the November summit, as well as some great feedback, and look forward to finding more ways to support diverse real estate development in Syracuse.” 

The summit will include presentations from the Department of Neighborhood and Business Development (NBD), Community Preservation Corporation (CPC), and New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) outlining what developers should know about each organization and assistance they can provide. In addition, team members from each organization will be available to answer questions and follow up with additional resources.

CPC is a nonprofit company that provides financing for multifamily affordable and workforce housing with the goal of creating more affordable, sustainable, and equitable communities. Through its ACCESS program initiative, CPC focuses on empowering entrepreneurs who have disproportionately experienced barriers to entry as developers in the housing industry. 

HCR is New York State’s affordable housing agency, with a mission to build, preserve, and protect affordable housing and increase homeownership throughout New York State.

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