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Published on April 03, 2023
Project will enable live communication with traffic signals on city’s Southside and Eastside
The City of Syracuse will start construction of the Traffic Signal Interconnect Project on Monday, April 3. The interconnect system is a traffic signal communication system that allows traffic signals to be remotely controlled from the Traffic Control Center located at the City’s Department of Public Works.
The project will include upgrading traffic signal equipment; replacing various traffic signal poles; reconstructing ADA ramps where necessary; and installing communication fiber underground along existing conduits and overhead on utility poles.
Work will start on South Salina Street near East Adams Street and move south to other signalized intersections on South Salina Street, Seneca Turnpike, Valley Drive, South Avenue and West Onondaga Steet, forming a communication loop. Work will then take place at signalized intersections along East Genesee Street between Columbus Avenue and the city boundary. The work will enable traffic signal communication in these areas.
Through traffic will be maintained on the roads while work is being done. Work is expected to be complete in 2024.
Residents can visit the Traffic Signal Interconnect Project page at to learn more.
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