Apply for a Board

City government works best when its citizens and residents are engaged. You are taking an important step in civic engagement by considering to apply to serve on a municipal or advisory board. To complete this application you'll need the following prepared in advance:

  • A statement on why you are interested in serving on the selected board
  • An updated resume
  • Acknowledge that you understand the time commitment for the particular board you are applying for. Commitments are viewable on the Resident Engagement page drop-down list.
Once you submit your information, it will be kept on file for when a vacancy opens. If you are selected, the Office of the Mayor will contact you to discuss your appointment.



Step 1.Prepare Your Documents

The application for a municipal or advisory board is digital. Ensure you have an updated PDF of your resume for attaching and submitting.  

Step 2.Complete the Online Application

Click here for the online application

Step 3.Review Board Commitments

Ensure you have reviewed the commitments for the various boards and commissions on the Resident Engagement page.

Step 4.Stay Engaged

We encourage residents to stay engaged by attending public meetings and following along with us on public channels like on social media. You can find the city's social accounts at

By Mail

Step 1.Prepare Your Documents

The application for a municipal or advisory board is typically digital but if you have any digital barriers, you may prepare a cover letter and resume to mail to the Mayor's Office. 

Step 2.What to Include

In your cover letter, you must clearly list the following:

  • A reliable and professional phone number and email address which you can be contacted
  • The municipal, advisory, or nonprofit board you are interested in being appointed to serve
  • A statement as to why you are interested in serving on this board
  • The following statement: "I understand the commitment for this board is ___ years and I understand the compensation for this board."

Please note: a majority of boards are volunteer and are not compensated. You can review compensation and terms for boards on the Resident Engagement page drop-down list.

Step 3.Mailing Directions

You may mail your cover letter and resume to the following address:

City of Syracuse - Office of the Mayor
233 E. Washington Street, City Hall Suite 203
Syracuse, New York 13202

Step 4.Stay Engaged

We encourage residents to stay engaged by attending public meetings and following along with us on public channels like on social media. You can find the city's social accounts at