Billings Park

Rock of Marne Monument

Billings Park is comprised of 0.316 acre and is located at S. Salina, S. Warren and East Adams streets and features two memorials: Rock of Marne Monument and Spanish War Memorial.

Rock of the Marne Monument

World War Memorial built by Ronald Hinton Perry. Dedicated on July 15, 1920. Plaque reads:

“This memorial is presented to the City of Syracuse through personal contributions of the enlisted men of the Thirty-Eighth Infantry, United States Army as a tribute to the heroes among their number who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War and in grateful recognition of the esteem in which they held the citizens of this City who graciously extended hospitality to them during their organization and training in Syracuse.

A single regiment of the Third Division wrote one of the most brilliant pages in the annals of military history in preventing the crossing at certain points on its front, while on either flank, the Germans, who had gained a footing, pressed forward. Our men were firing in three directions, met the German attack with counter-attacks at critical points, and succeeded in throwing two German divisions into complete confusion, capturing 600 prisoners.”

The Historical Marker Database:


Spanish War Veterans Memorial

A bronze sculpture of a Spanish-American War soldier standing in a parade rest position, atop a rock-faced granite boulder with bronze plaque. The soldier is dressed in old regulation uniform and hat used in the late 19th century and holds a rifle out in front of him. The original monument was designed by Theodore A.R. Kitson in 1906, and at least 50 replicas were created after Kitson sold the rights. The Syracuse-specific monument was erected by Onondaga County, Col. Butler Camp, and the Spanish War Veterans organization. Dedicated May 30, 1924. Plaque reads:

“Erected by the county of Onondaga and Colonel John G. Butler Camp, Spanish War veterans. To the memory of the soldiers and sailors of the country who volunteered and served in the war with Spanish, Philippine insurrection, and Boxer uprising in China 1924.”

Historical Marker Database:



601 S. Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202  View Map

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