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Yard waste includes brush, small twigs, branches, limbs, and leaves. We pick up yard waste once a month from April through October.
City of Syracuse residents can drop off yard waste any time of the year at the Department of Public Works self-drop off site, located at 1200 Canal St. Ext. during the following hours:
We pick up construction debris twice a year, in May and September. Residents should look at the City Service Guide(PDF, 356KB) to find their set-out dates for construction debris. These dates are based on the quadrant you live in.
Note: Those living in the Northeast Quadrant should set-out their pick-ups by the last week of April and August. This allows enough time for the City to begin with that quadrant in May and September.
If you used a contractor, they are required to remove any construction debris themselves by taking it to a dump. If they don’t, you may get a fine.
According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), construction and demolition debris is uncontaminated solid waste resulting from the construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of utilities, structures and roads; and uncontaminated solid waste resulting from land clearing. Such waste includes, but is not limited to:
Solid waste that is not construction and demolition debris (even if resulting from the construction, remodeling, repair and demolition of utilities, structures and roads and land clearing) includes, but is not limited to:
For more information, click here
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(PDF, 110KB)
Click the image below to download this year's city service guide to stay up to date on your roles and responsibilities
(PDF, 3MB)