Recycling Pickup

We pick up residential recycling biweekly on your collection day. Recycling is required in New York State. Please put recyclable items into their blue recycling carts.


Step 1.When is my recycling collection day?

To find out your pickup day, click below to plug your address into our Trash & Recycling Pickup Route Map below.

When you put out your trash and recycling, remember:

  • Put your trash and recycling out by 6 a.m. on your collection day. If you put it out later, it may not be picked up. 
  • Don’t put it out too early. If you put it out before 8 p.m. the night before your collection day, you can get a fine. It’s called an “illegal set out.”
  • Make sure it’s easy for our workers to take your recycling. If your bin is filled with water or frozen to your can or to the ground, we can’t take it.

Trash and recycling pickup is delayed by one day the week for certain holidays. Pickups are delayed for following holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Memorial Day
  • 4th of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

When you put out your recycling, remember:

  • Put your recycling out by 6 a.m. on your collection day. If you put it out later, it may not be picked up. 
  • Don’t put your recycling out too early. If you put your recycling out before 8 p.m. the night before, you can get a fine. It’s called an “illegal set out.”
  • Make sure it’s easy for our workers to take your trash. If your recycling is filled with water or frozen to your can or to the ground, we can’t take it.

Step 2.What goes in the blue recycling bin?

  • Cardboard and boxes including pizza, pasta, cereal, and more
  • Empty and rinsed:
    • Cans and jars
    • Dairy tubs without their lids
    • Milk and juice jugs
    • Plastic bottles and jugs, including their caps
    • Wine or beer bottles, which can also be taken to a redemption center 
  • Newspapers, magazines, catalogos, and softcover books
  • Paper, mail, and envelopes

Not sure if you should throw something in the trash or recycle it? Check out the searchable database or recyclables from OCRRA (Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency).

Step 3.What doesn’t go in the blue recycling bin?

  • Egg cartons
  • Plastics (except plastic bottles and dairy tubs)
  • Syringes, sharps, and needs
  • Tires
  • Window glass, drinking glasses, or broken glass 
  • … And more!

When in doubt, throw it out! Placing the wrong item in a recycling bin makes it difficult for us to recycle the other things in that bin. You can also check if an item can be recycled on OCRRA’s website

If you put out something we can't recycle, we’ll let you know by putting an “Oops!” sticker on your recycling bin.


Do you have questions or concerns about:

  • Your biweekly pick up? 
  • Neighbors repeatedly setting out their trash too early?
  • Abandoned cars in your neighborhood? 

Call Cityline at 315-448-CITY (2489).