Enhancing Government Response & Resilience


Enhancing Government Response and Resilience  

The pandemic delivered a devastating blow to city revenues. Our budgeting required many difficult choices, including reductions in the funding of critical services and necessary additions to the backbone of city services, such as safety, security, and resilience. ARPA specifically calls for the use of relief funds to replace lost public sector revenue and to support government services. With ARPA relief,  Syracuse will make city government more responsive and resilient. 


Project Progress 

Projects in Enhancing Government Response and Resilience. The City of Syracuse is committed to transparent reporting. Amounts that have been budgeted across projects are updated weekly on the dashboard and may vary over time. The City will proactively share information on changing project plans. Questions about projects can be sent to mayor@syrgov.net.

Project Progress:

Planning: Project plan has been submitted and is pending Common Council approval.
In Progress: Project has been approved by Common Council and the budget has been set.
Complete: Project Spending and outputs have been completed.

Spending Progress:

Budgeted: Amount approved by Council to be spent. This amount can vary. eg. more money can be budgeted for a project if required.
Authorized: Authorized amount from federal government ($123 million).
Money Spent: The sum of expenditures and money encumbered (financially committed).


Public Safety Enhancements

Fund Syracuse Fire Training and Emergency Response Center; Expand SPD ShotSpotter system and accelerate the implementation of programs for diversionary response to mental health-related calls and increased police transparency and accountability. 

Digital Infrastructure, Data Analysis & Cybersecurity

Upgrades to City of Syracuse cybersecurity systems; accelerated the introduction of new digital solutions;  and, expand data acquisition and analysis capabilities. These investments will translate into value to the city government and its constituents in the form of (a) operational process improvements; (b) financial return attributable to analytical efforts; (c) greater transparency; (d) a better digital user experience for constituents interacting with city services and, (e) preparedness for potential cyber-attacks to our digital infrastructure assets. 

Sanitation and Recycling Carts and Arms

Funding to create a more efficient, environmentally-friendly, safer, and economical trash and recycling program through the introduction of uniform sanitation and recycling carts and automated pick-up arms.  

General Fund Revenue Shortfalls

ARPA provides broad latitude to use funds for the provision of government services to the extent of a  calculated loss of revenue. Government services can include, but are not limited to, maintenance of  infrastructure or pay-go spending for building new infrastructure, including roads; modernization of  cybersecurity, including hardware, software, and protection of critical infrastructure; health services;  environmental remediation; school or educational services; and the provision of police, fire, and other  public safety services. 



View funding across ARPA categories  


Resilient Cities: American Rescue Plan Stories

In Syracuse, Mayor Ben Walsh promised to focus American Rescue Plan Act funding on securing a bold future for the city, it's residents, businesses, and visitors. Check back on this section for multimedia stories on how the city is keeping its promise and making real change that can be seen, heard, and resonate for generations. From building new homes, funding arts programs, and providing small business bridge loans to providing rent relief for middle-income residents, your stories are important and we want to hear them. Let us know how American Rescue Plan Act funding has touched your life. Send your stories and testimonials to mayor@syrgov.net

Initiative Feedback

Do you have questions about Mayor Walsh's plan for spending American Rescue Plan Act dollars? We welcome your feedback and input at mayor@syrgov.net.