Departments, Divisions, and Offices


The Office of Budget supports the way the City of Syracuse is budgeting for it's citizens and the fiscal health of the city.

Citizen Review Board (CRB)

  • Telephone315-448-8750
  • Email
  • The Citizen Review Board ("CRB") was established to ensure an open citizen-controlled process for reviewing grievances involving members of the Syracuse Police Department ("SPD").

    City Auditor

  • Telephone315-448-8477
  • Email
  • To advance open and accountable government through accurate, independent, and objective audits and investigations that seek to improve the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of City government.

    City Clerk

  • Telephone315-448-8216
  • The City Clerk publishes the proceedings of the Common Council, processes all request of Common Council legislation from City department heads and Councilors, and prepares agenda for Council meetings.


    The Finance Department directs the fiscal strategy of the City while administering the City’s accounting and reporting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, department financial analysis, and grant and capital management. The Finance Department consists of three bureaus: Bureau of Accounts, City Payment Center, and Bureau of Financial Operations..

    FOCUS Greater Syracuse, Inc.

  • Telephone315-448-8732
  • Alternate Phone315-448-8731
  • Email
  • FOCUS Greater Syracuse, Inc. is a citizen-driven 501(c)(3) organization that taps citizen creativity to bring about change in Central New York by enabling citizens, organizations, and government to work together to enhance the quality of our lives and our economic future.

    Human Resources

  • Telephone315-448-8780
  • Alternate Phone315-448-8788
  • Email
  • Our goal is to provide leadership, guidance, and services that will help employee relations and diversity as a way to make more opportunities for City of Syracuse employees and create a safe and healthy work environment.

    Information Technology

  • Telephone315-448-8250
  • The Bureau of Information Technology (IT), supports all software related help desk issues. Wide area networking has been implemented using fiber, T-1s, and broadband connections. The Bureau serves as the support center for office automation and networking.

    Law Department

  • Telephone315-448-8400
  • Email
  • This Department is led by the Corporation Counsel and handles legal affairs for the City. This includes legal services for City Departments, and processes FOIL Requests and Claims made against the City.

    Mayor's Office

  • Telephone315-448-8005
  • Alternate Phone315-448-2489
  • Email
  • The Mayor is the Chief Executive of the City. He appoints the heads of departments, as well as the members of the various commissions, committees and boards needed to deliver city services.

    Municipal Violations (MVB)

    The Municipal Violations Bureau (MVB) handles the adjudication of tickets issued by the City of Syracuse.

    Planning and Sustainability

    Planning and Sustainability is a division of Neighborhood and Business Development that develops and implements plans and other tools focused on land use, urban design, waterfront and neighborhood planning, historic preservation, and sustainability.


  • Telephone315-442-5200
  • Alternate Phone911 for emergencies
  • It is the mission of the Syracuse Police Department to prevent crime, enforce the laws, and understand the needs of the community while providing professional service with ethical treatment for everyone.

    Public Works (DPW)

  • Telephone(315) 448-CITY (2489)
  • The Department of Public Works (DPW) serves as the backbone of the city. Our Public Works teams plow the streets, pick up the trash, maintain the sewers, keep traffic flowing, maintain our parks, maintain our streets, and issue handicap parking permits.


    The Bureau of Research serves as a policy planning, research/information resource, inter-governmental aid, and special projects unit for all City departments.


  • Telephone315-448-8340
  • Alternate PhoneFor Water Emergencies, call 315-448-8360
  • Email
  • The Syracuse Water Department is responsible for constructing, maintaining, and operating all necessary and desirable facilities for the supply and distribution of a safe, potable water supply for the City of Syracuse.

    Zoning Administration

  • Telephone315-448-8640
  • Email
  • Zoning Administration carries out the rules that decide land-use. It establishes patterns of development across neighborhoods and the city by deciding what can be built on a piece of property.