The City’s first Zoning Rules and Regulations was first adopted in 1922. They have been updated several times, but typically performed in a piecemeal manner, which has created a document that is not easy to use or administer. ReZone Syracuse is an initiative to update our zoning laws to better reflect the City's vision.
The initiative will comprehensively revise and update the City's Zoning Ordinance and Map to facilitate the implementation of the Syracuse Land Use and Development Plan 2040 (LUP), a component of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan 2040.
- Preserve and enhance Syracuse's existing land use patterns.
- Protect and enhance the character and "sense of place" of Syracuse's neighborhoods.
- Ensure high-quality, attractive design throughout the City.
- Promote environmentally sustainable land use patterns, transportation options, and site plans.
- Ensure that development regulations and review processes are efficient, predictable, and transparent.
- Ensure the new Zoning Ordinance and Map implement the recommendations of the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan 2040, including the LUP 2040.
- Update the ordinance to incorporate principals of form-based codes, smart growth, traditional neighborhood development, transit-oriented development, and other current best practices.
- Develop and/or improve standards regulating urban design, urban agriculture, lighting, signage, landscaping, parking, site design, infill development, and vacant land management.
- Promote and facilitate Historic Preservation.
- Develop sustainable development provisions regarding the following: climate adaptation, renewable energy infrastructure, green building materials, and green infrastructure.
- Increase protection of natural resources, including open space, water bodies, topography, and tree protection.
- Streamline the development review process by creating more predictable zoning regulations.
- Update the format and structure of the Zoning Ordinance to be user friendly and include more illustrations and graphics.
- Remove inconsistencies, outdated language, and reduce the complexity of the Zoning Ordinance.
- Facilitate increased public awareness of, and participation in zoning review and processes.
- Increase ways to use technology to provide and receive information from the public.