Purchase and Redevelopment of 1039 E Fayette St (Former Fire Stn #7)

Closing date March 27, 2025, 02:30 PM

  • Reference numberRFP #25-211
  • StatusOpen
  • SummaryRFP for Purchase and Redevelopment of 1039 East Fayette Street (Former Fire Station #7)

The City of Syracuse (“the City”) is soliciting proposals from development firms pertaining to the acquisition and redevelopment of a City-owned site located at 1039 East Fayette Street, formerly used by the Syracuse Fire Department and known as Fire Station 7. The City is seeking proposals with particular emphasis placed on those that: 1) display a proven ability to provide creative and inclusive land use and development strategies; 2) return the site to the tax roll and increase the City’s tax base; 3) create permanent job opportunities for Syracuse residents; and 4) add housing units. Additional consideration may be afforded to proposers who include creative accommodation for resumed Syracuse Fire Department operations within the site footprint.

The City is eager to see the redevelopment of the site with an appropriately dense, attractive development that is compatible with the increasingly vibrant surrounding neighborhood. The City intends to enter into a public/private agreement for the potential transfer of City-owned property to development entities that successfully qualify. The City is open to proposals that include a land/ground lease agreement.

Sealed proposals will be received at the Division of Purchase, 213 City Hall, 233 E Washington St, Syracuse, NY 13202 until 2:30 PM on Thursday, March 27, 2025.

Copies of the RFP Documents are available free of charge at the Division of Purchase, by calling 315.448.8453 or emailing purchase@syr.gov to request.