Speed Hump Pilot Program

The City of Syracuse is installing speed humps to deter speeding on city streets and improve pedestrian safety. Under the pilot program launched in 2021, speed humps are installed on different types of residential and park roads with the goal of slowing traffic and studying their impacts to driver behavior. Radar speed data is collected at each location before and after installation to study changes in traffic flow and average speeds. Speed data is also collected on various adjacent streets to monitor whether there are changes to the local street network after speed humps are installed. The City uses the data to evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot speed humps and determine other locations where they may be needed.


For the second year of the pilot program, DPW crews placed speed humps at differing locations on blocks and tested the effectiveness of paired speed humps versus a single speed hump. DPW also worked with the Fire Department to develop new cushion designs for the speed humps that slow down passenger vehicles but allow emergency vehicles to pass over without delay. 


Below is an interactive map of the locations of the pilot program speed humps: