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Why did Mayor Walsh issue an Executive Order?
Since taking office in 2018 Mayor Walsh has been committed to police reform and implementing the steps necessary to empower the Syracuse Police Department to incorporate policing policies and practices in line with 21st Century policing principles:
When will the changes from these Executive Order items go into effect?
Each Executive Order (EO) action has time parameters. Below, you can click each EO action to see Where We Stand in our progress to complete and implement Syracuse Police Reform Executive Order Actions. In our progress updates, dates were identified as a result of reviewing various internal and external factors. We ensured that the timelines allowed for effective implementation.
Do some Executive Order items require action by other areas of government?
Who is managing this process to ensure commitments are met on time?
The ultimate responsibility for implementing the Mayor’s Executive Order lies with the Chief of Police and his department. Mayor Walsh is committed to ensuring that each of the 16 items in his Executive Order are implemented and has assigned Deputy Mayor Owens the responsibility of managing the process.
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Leadership Mayor Ben Walsh Deputy Mayor Sharon Owens Chief of Police, Joseph L. Cecile
Groups Syracuse Police Department Syracuse Police Reform & Reinvention Oversight Committee