Proud Places Project

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Proud Places Project is a program to strengthen investment in city neighborhoods through citizen engagement, beautification, and community stewardship. The goal of the program is to increase neighbor participation in making minor streetscape and property improvements while demonstrating the City's commitment to fostering a network of community care and neighborhood pride.

The project is a key component of the Mayor's Resurgent Neighborhoods Initiative (RNI), a citywide housing and business growth plan that aligns neighborhood investment planning and stakeholder engagement at a “block-level” in all four quadrants within the city. Proud Places will source identified neighborhood needs within an RNI area, engage existing community organizations and/or form new coalitions, and facilitate monthly meetings and events to address those needs. Coordinated efforts will include improving greenspace, addressing deteriorating properties through code enforcement intervention and vacant property attention, and connecting residents to needed human resources.



The first campaign of the program is along the Butternut Street Corridor and launched in October 2023. To date, neighbors have participated in 12 planning meetings, two cleanups, and a community block party. A final community block party will take place this summer. Learn more under Program Events.

Focus Area

The focus area is along the Butternut Street Corridor from Lodi to Carbon Streets. The area is a vibrant neighborhood with active businesses, the White Branch Library, and Franklin Elementary School. Despite all these assets, there are significant challenges that longstanding residents have voiced their concerns about including housing conditions, safety, substance abuse, and vacancy along the corridor. The City and neighborhood residents are working together to explore ways to improve neighborhood conditions. 

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Following each campaign, the leading community organization will establish the areas as an Adopt-a-Block location. The City of Syracuse Adopt-a-Block program makes city beautification a yearlong, citywide effort. Individuals, organizations, schools, and businesses will volunteer to take responsibility for at least two city blocks, committing to a monthly cleanup of a designated area and “on the spot” litter pickup, as necessary. To learn more about Syracuse Adopt-a-Block, Click Here.