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Our Neighborhood Development Team — part of the Department of Neighborhood and Business Development (NBD) — is dedicated to developing thriving neighborhoods and boosting economic growth. We partner with residents, developers, and community organizations and agencies to preserve and improve our neighborhoods.
Contact the Neighborhood Development Team. Phone: 315-448-8100 Email:
Are you a developer?
Check out our 2 low-interest loan programs for affordable housing projects in Syracuse — the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnership Program.
Learn more about federal block grants for programs that help residents and families in Syracuse through neighborhood revitalization efforts, economic development, and improving community facilities and services.
There are 2 basic types of property you can buy through the City: City-owned properties and tax delinquent properties.
Syracuse is home to many neighborhood and community-based organizations. These groups are created by concerned residents, business owners, and service providers who hope to improve our quality of life.
Learn how qualified homeowners and tenants can receive assistance to help reduce lead-based paint hazards in City of Syracuse homes with young children. Common repairs provided by the program are new windows, doors, siding, and porch work.
The Proud Places Project is a component of the Resurgent Neighborhoods Initiative and includes a series of campaigns to strengthen investment in city neighborhoods through citizen engagement, beautification, and community stewardship.
We award UNSAAC grants to agencies that promote housing preservation and improvements, community support, or park and public space improvements within the surrounding neighborhoods of Syracuse University.