Public Fireworks, Pyrotechnics & Flame Effects Shows/Displays






Fireworks and Pyrotechnics shall include any combustible or explosive composition, or any substance or combination of substances, or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, and shall include blank cartridges, toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, or toy guns in which explosives are used, the type of balloons which require fire underneath to propel the same, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, roman candles, dayglow bombs, sparklers, or other devices of like construction and any devices containing any explosive compound, or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance, except that the term “fireworks” shall not include auto flares, paper caps containing not in excess of an average of 25 hundredths of a grain of explosive content per cap, and toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns, or other devices for use of such caps, the sale and use of which shall be permitted at all times.


Flame effects shall mean any flammable or combustible solid liquid or gas used to create or sustain a flame before an audience.



  1. The manufacturing of fireworks is prohibited within the City of Syracuse.
  2. It is unlawful for any person to sell, posses, store, use, transfer, discharge, or explode any dangerous fireworks within the City of Syracuse, provided that this prohibition shall not apply to duly authorize public displays.
  3. A permit is required to display fireworks. It is unlawful for any person, business, or entity to conduct, use, or engage in a display of fireworks within the City of Syracuse without first having obtained a valid permit from the City of Syracuse Fire Department.



1)  Applications for a permit to conduct a public display of fireworks, pyrotechnics, or flame effects before an audience shall be made in writing to the City of Syracuse Fire Department at least (15) days before the date of the schedule event.

2)  Each public display permit issued pursuant to these guidelines shall be valid for the specific authorized public display event only, shall be used only by the designated permittee, and shall be non-transferable.

3)  Applications for a permit for public displays of fireworks, pyrotechnics or flame effects before an audience shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in Section 405.00 of the New York State Penal Law, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 270.00 of the New York State Penal Law. The applications for such permit shall set forth:

  • The name of the body sponsoring the display and the names of the persons actually to be in charge of the firing of the display who shall possess a valid certificate of competence as a pyro technician as required under New York State general business law and Article Sixteen of New York State labor law. The permit application shall further contain a verified statement from the applicant identifying the individuals who are authorized to fire the display including their certificate numbers, and that such individuals possess a valid certificate of competence as a pyro technician.

  • Other required Pyrotechnician information, which shall be attached to all permit applications includes a current photo identification, date of birth, social security number, experience of the pyro technician. 

  • A current copy of the Department of Treasury – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms license issued pursuant to Chapter 40 of Title 18 of the United States Code in relation to explosives; (For outdoor aerial shows only) and

  • A current certificate or license from the State of New York Department of Labor, Division of Safety and Health to verifying the permittees approval to deal in or manufacture explosives.

  •  The date and time of the day at which the show/display is to be held.

  • The exact location planned for the show/display.

  • The number and kinds of fireworks/pyrotechnics or flame effects to be discharged or displayed.

  • The manner of storage and place of storage of such fireworks, pyrotechnics, flammable or combustible solids, liquids or gases prior to the show/display.

  • A diagram of the grounds or location on which the display is to be held showing the point at which the fireworks, pyrotechnics or flame effects are to be discharged or displayed, the location of all buildings, highways, and streets, the lines behind which the audience will be restrained and the location of all nearby trees, telegraph or telephone lines, or other overhead obstructions.

4)  The permit fee for the public display of fireworks, pyrotechnics or flame effects before an audience shall be twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, payable in advance of issuance, made payable to “Commissioner of Finance.”

5)  Upon receipt of a permit application at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the date scheduled for the fireworks, pyrotechnics or flame effects display, a designee or designee(s) from the City of Syracuse Fire Department will conduct an inspection and investigation of the proposed display sight for the purpose determining whether the conditions, regulations, and provisions outlined in this agreement are in compliance.

6)  Before any public fireworks, pyrotechnics or flame effects show or display, a test firing of certain representative pyrotechnics or flame effects shall be conducted in the presence of a member(s) of the Syracuse Fire Department, the Fire Marshal(s), a bomb Technicians(s) from the Syracuse Police Department, and a representative of the New York State Department of Labor. Fire Marshal(s) and/or Bomb Technicians(s) will determine which pyrotechnics or flame effects will need to be test fired. Test firings shall be conducted at a time determined to be convenient by all parties.

7) The City of Syracuse Fire Chief or a designee, reserves the right to revoke any issued permit immediately upon a determination that revocation is necessary for public safety, noncompliance, weather conditions such as, but not limited to, extremely low humidity or high winds that reach a velocity of over twenty-five (25) miles per hour. In situations of revocation based on weather, the Fire Chief may authorize the public display at a future date suitable to and agreeable by the City of Syracuse, Fire Chief, or a designee, and the original permittee without requiring a new permit application so long as the specifications for the fireworks, pyrotechnics or flame effects show/display remains the same. Any changes including location of the display, the amount of fireworks, pyrotechnics or flame effects or the type to be used shall require a new permit application.


1) The applicant for a permit to conduct a firework, pyrotechnic or flame effects show/display in the City of Syracuse shall have secured, at its expense, a general and professional liability insurance policy with contractual liability coverage from an insurance carrier licensed and authorized to do business in New York State. The policies shall be in the minimum of $2,000,000 dollars per claim and $2,000,000 dollars as the aggregate of liability.

2)  Proof of insurance coverage must be submitted with the application for the permit and are subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel.

3)  In addition, the City of Syracuse is to be an additionally named insured party on the permittee’s certificate(s) of insurance.

4)  The certificates of insurance shall provide for thirty days (30) prior written notice of cancellation by certified mail to the City of Syracuse Fire Department.

5) The applicant must obtain and have proof of worker’s compensation, disability coverage, and auto coverage as required by law.



1) All public fireworks displays must be planned, organized, done only pursuant to a valid permit, and by a qualified operator.

2) A qualified operator, or persons in actual charge of firing the fireworks, shall be over the age of twenty-one years, competent and physically fit for the task, and that there shall be at least two (2) such operators constantly on duty during the discharge.

3) At all times during the display, there must be at least two (2) working and Approved Class “A” type fire extinguishers, each with a 2½ gallon capacity that shall be kept at widely separated points as possible within the actual area in which the discharging of the fireworks is being done.

4) All public fireworks displays must be in accordance with and comply with the National Fire Protection Association Standards (hereinafter “NFPA”), which include but are not limited to NFPA standards 1123, 1124 and must further comply with all applicable provisions of the New York State Fire Code. The City of Syracuse, Fire Chief or a designee reserves the right to increase the NFPA recommendations for distance.

5) The audience at a public display of fireworks shall be restrained behind lines as per NFPA standards and only persons in active charge of the display shall be allowed inside of these lines.

6) All fireworks that fire a projectile shall be set up so that the projectile will go into the air as nearly as possible in a vertical direction provided that where such fireworks are to be fired beside a lake or other large body of water, they may be directed in such a manner that the falling residue from the deflagration will fall into the said body of water.

7) Any fireworks that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately disposed of in a safe way for the particular type of fireworks remaining.



1)  All public pyrotechnic shows/displays must be planned, organized, done only pursuant to a valid permit, and by a qualified operator.

2)  A qualified operator, or persons in actual charge of firing the fireworks, shall be over the age of twenty-one years, competent and physically fit for the task, and that there shall be at least two (2) such operators constantly on duty during the discharge.

3)  At all times during the display, there must be at least two (2) working and Approved Class “A” type and two (2) working and Approved Class ‘B’ type fire extinguishers, which shall be kept at each opposing side of the performance or display, separated points as possible within the actual area in which the discharging of the pyrotechnics is being done.

4)  All public pyrotechnic displays must be in accordance with and comply with the National Fire Protection Association Standards (hereinafter “NFPA”), which include but are not limited to NFPA standard 1124, 1126 and must further comply with all applicable provisions of the New York State Fire Code. The City of Syracuse, Fire Chief or a designee reserves the right to increase the NFPA recommendations for distance.

5)  The audience at a public display of pyrotechnics shall be restrained behind lines as per NFPA standards and only persons in active charge of the display shall be allowed inside of these lines.

6)  Any pyrotechnics that remain unfired after the show/display is concluded shall be immediately disposed of in a safe way for the particular type of pyrotechnic remaining.




No LPG is allowed for indoor use in the City of Syracuse

1)  All public flame effects displays must be planned, organized, done only pursuant to a valid permit, and by a qualified operator.

2)  A qualified operator, or persons in actual charge of operating the flame effect, shall be over the age of twenty-one years, competent and physically fit for the task, and that there shall be at least two (2) such operators constantly on duty during the discharge.

3)  At all times during the show/display, there must be at least two (2) working and Approved Class “A” type and two (2) working and Approved Class ‘B’ type fire extinguishers that shall be kept at each opposing side of the performance or display, separated within the actual area in which the operation of the flame effect is being done.

4)  All public flame effects shows/displays must be in accordance with and comply with the National Fire Protection Association Standards (hereinafter “NFPA”), which include but are not limited to NFPA standards 140, 160 and must further comply with all applicable provisions of the New York State Fire Code. The City of Syracuse, Fire Chief or a designee reserves the right to increase the NFPA recommendations for distance.

5)  The audience at a public flame effect show/display shall be restrained behind lines as per NFPA standards and only persons in active charge of the display shall be allowed inside of these lines.

6) Any flame effects that remain unfired after the display is concluded shall be immediately disposed of in a safe way for the particular type of material remaining.

Syracuse Fire Department

December 2024


Print and mail completed permit application to:

Fire Investigation Bureau

Attn: Captain Joseph Fenell

511 S. State Street

607 Public Safety Building

Syracuse, NY 13202

Or email application to: