File a Complaint Against a Syracuse Police Officer

If you are concerned about your interaction with an SPD Officer(s) or the interaction you observed by an SPD Officer(s), please complete this form in as much detail as possible.


Prepare to Complete the Form

To the best of your ability provide the following:

  • Date, Time, and Location of Incident
  • Names of Officer(s)
  • Witness Information
  • Medical Record Release (If injured at the time of incident)
  • Any supporting documents ie. Tickets, etc.
  • Put as much detail as possible in the narrative section
  • Complete Voluntary Information

You must sign the complaint form in each area indicated

Download and Complete Releases

If your complaint involves an injury, please complete the following medical releases.
You will be asked to upload it in the online application.

Medical Releases

NY Hippa Form(PDF, 142KB)

Crouse Hospital Form(PDF, 23KB)

Upstate Hospital Form(PDF, 57KB)

Begin Online Application

Click here to complete the Complaint Form in English

Para comenzar a el formulario de quejas en espanol, clic aqui 

Confirm Your Complaint

To confirm your complaint was received, please contact the CRB Office by email at or telephone 315-448-8750.



In Person