
The Office of Management and Budget provides an annual budget and a six-year capital program for the City. The office also develops city wide operating procedures and policies for energy, telecommunications, and technology. The office performs management and productivity improvement studies and makes recommendations for all departments.

It works with the Finance Department, to track expenditures and all debt issuances. It also works the Office of Human Resources, to negotiate contracts with various collective bargaining units and to make recommendations in relation to filling vacant positions. 


FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget Highlights

• $341M budget invests in housing, public safety, infrastructure, jobs, schools, and parks
• Proposed budget supports strong neighborhoods, better city services and pathways to opportunity for children and families
• Includes a 2% property-tax increase addressing City's decades-long structural budget deficit
• Common Council Budget Hearing will run through April; Council will act by May 8, 2024
• View the Common Council Budget Hearings at YouTube.Com/cityofsyracuse/live



City Budgets and Initiatives

Living Wage Ordinance