Property Code Violations and Fines

The Bureau of Administrative Adjudication (BAA) is in charge of making decisions related to property code violations. Learn about different types of fines and their costs. 

Did you already get a ticket? Learn what to do if you get a property code violation.

General property maintenance fines

You may get a general property maintenance fine for not following the city codes related to things like fire safety, electrical requirements, and drainage systems. Learn more about general property maintenance codes.

  • If you're charged with a violation and don't fix it within 15 to 21 days, you will get a ticket.
  • Your first ticket will cost $150. If you don't pay it in 30 days, you default and the fee is doubled ($300).
  • You may get more tickets for the same problem if you don't fix it. Each new ticket has a higher fine.
  • After the third ticket, the city may begin legal proceedings against the owner.
Ticket  Fine Fine if you don't pay after 30 days (default 
 First ticket  $150  $300
 Second ticket  $300  $600
 Third ticket  $600  $1,200

Blighting influences

A "blighting influence" refers to property that's in bad shape. For example, you could get fined for a blighting influence if your sidewalks are crumbling or there's trash on your lawn. Learn more about blighting influence codes.

  • If you're charged with a violation and don't fix it within 15 to 21 days, you will get a ticket.
  • Your first ticket will cost $75. If you don't pay it in 30 days, you default and the fee is doubled ($150).
  • You may get more tickets for the same problem if you don't fix it. Each new ticket has a higher fine.
  • After the third ticket, the city may begin legal proceedings against the owner.
 Ticket Fine  Fine if you don't pay after 30 days (default) 
 First ticket  $75  $150
 Second ticket  $150  $300
 Third ticket  $300  $600

Periodic inspections

Many properties need to be inspected. If your property fails an inspection, you could get a violation. Learn more about inspection codes.

  • If you're charged with a violation and don't fix it within 15 to 21 days, you will get a ticket.
  • Your first ticket will cost $50. If you don't pay it in 30 days, you default and the fee is doubled ($100).
  • You may get more tickets for the same problem if you don't fix it. Each new ticket has a higher fine.
  • After the third ticket, the city may begin legal proceedings against the owner.
Ticket  Fine  Fine if you don't pay after 30 days (default) 
 First ticket  $50  $100
 Second ticket  $100  $200
 Third ticket  $200  $400


If you don't follow our zoning codes, you may get a zoning violation. For example, you could get a violation for parking cars illegally in your yard. Learn more about zoning codes.

  • If you're charged with a violation and don't fix it within 15 to 21 days, you will get a ticket.
  • Your first ticket will cost $75. If you don't pay it in 30 days, you default and the fee is doubled ($150).
  • You may get more tickets for the same problem if you don't fix it. Each new ticket has a higher fine.
  • After the second ticket, the city may begin legal proceedings against the owner.
 Ticket Fine  Fine if you don't pay after 30 days (default) 
 First ticket  $300  $600
 Second ticket  $600 $1,200 

Questions about property code violations?

We can help. Contact the Bureau of Administrative Adjudication (BAA) at 315-448-8320 or