Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board


The Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board (SLPB) meets every three weeks on Thursday in Common Council Chambers, 3rd floor of City Hall (233 E. Washington Street). The meetings are held at 8:30AM and are open to the public. 

To review the submittal schedule, agendas and meeting materials for upcoming and past meetings, go to:

SLPB Agendas and Meeting Materials


The Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board (SLPB) is a 7-member board that is appointed by the mayor. Board members serve 3-year, unpaid terms and have backgrounds in architecture, landscape architecture, real estate, historic preservation, and/or are owners or historic property themselves. Individuals who are are interested in serving on the SLPB are encouraged to contact the City Preservation Planner at at 315-448-8108 or

The purpose of the City's preservation ordinance is to recognize, celebrate and protect Syracuse's built heritage, including buildings, landscapes, sites and districts. The SLPB identifies and recommends to Common Council the designation of significant historic and cultural resources as Protected Sites and Preservation Districts.  

In order to ensure the protection of individually designated sites and districts, the preservation ordinance requires that any exterior alterations to designated sites or properties within preservation districts must be reviewed by the SLPB through the Certificate of Appropriateness process. The goal of the Certificate of Appropriateness review is to avoid or minimize any negative impact to the historic character of the property or district.  

Self Service

Apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness

Nominate a Property for Protected Site Status


Additional Information and Technical Assistance