Municipal Boards and Commissions

Search and find information about the City's boards and commissions.

Municipal boards and commissions are an important part of City of Syracuse government. Each government board or commission works with internal departments, Common Council, and appointed citizens from the public to serve the city and residents. A municipal board is a governing body. It has decision-making responsibility for allocating money and making policies on specific areas like land use, zoning, and reviewing property assessments. 

Duties of a Board

Municipal boards and commissions are subject to Open Meetings Law in New York State. This means the meetings of municipal boards must be publicly advertised, recorded, and documented because they are governing bindings whose decisions are binding. This work is done by the members of the board. The City's Public Meetings Calendar shows all public meetings of government business including those for the city's municipal boards and commissions.

Learn about how to be appointed to a municipal board by following the link in the self-services section. 


Search and find information about the City of Syracuse's municipal boards and commissions.