2022 Southside Parks Engagement

  • Project typeEngagement
  • Project valueClose to $1 million dollars of upcoming projects
  • Project scheduleEngagement was conducted October - November 2022

The Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs hosted three public input sessions to seek ideas for future Southside parks improvements. With close to 1 million dollars of project opportunities, the department reached out for community input to assist with the planning process. Each session included informational boards designed for the public to review and interact with. Staff from the Parks’ Planning & Development were onsite to answer questions.

    The department sought ideas and suggestions for projects with current allocated funding including:

    Projects Identified

    Proposed park projects will include:

    • Playground upgrades at Baker Playlot for ages 5-12, located at 213 Baker Ave, 13205
    • Playground enhancements at the Southwest Community Center, located at 401 South Ave, 13204
    • Playground additions at Spirit of Jubilee Park, located at 201 South Ave, 13204
    • A new picnic pavilion will be erected at McKinley Park, located at 351 W. Newell Street, 13205
    • New sidewalks around the perimeter of Danforth Park, located at 230 E. Kennedy Street, 13205
    • A Veterans memorial in Kirk Park, located at 439 Kirk Ave, 13205

    All projects are expected to be completed by fall 2024, based on weather and contractor availability. 

    Stay tuned for details at a later date on the following projects:

    Other Sites Discussed